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I grew up in Birmingham, Alabama—the “Bible Belt” of Deep South. I served for 20+ years in the ministry, including more than 5 years in youth ministry, 11 years as Senior Pastor of a Southern Baptist Church, and 4 years as Pastor of an independent, Evangelical mission congregation. My bachelor’s degree is in Religion, with a concentration in Biblical languages and a double minor in English and Psychology. My seminary training was in advanced Biblical studies, and biblical languages.
And because of my repressive conservative Christian beliefs, I spent more than 8 years trying desperately (and unsuccessfully) to change my sexual orientation!

Though no longer in full-time ministry, I still enjoy speaking at churches and religious conferences throughout the country, working for understanding, compassion, equality and inclusion. For the past 30 years, I’ve spoken out about the deception and dangers of programs now known as Conversion Therapy. I write about it extensively, and I’ve been featured in multiple media outlets—magazines, radio and television.

I share this to give a better understand of me, and why these themes are featured so prominently in my books.

After leaving the ministry, I built a successful career in public relations and communications. Now I’m retired, living outside Dallas, Texas with my husband and our rescue mutt, Brody.

Want to know more about me?
There’s a more extensive bio HERE.