In March of 2021, I got an alert from Facebook informing me that a picture...from a year earlier...violated the so-called "Community Standards."
I was told it had been removed.
It was an historic picture of Hitler, which I used to talk about how dictators rise to power.
(It’s not like I was recruiting for a new Reich, or campaigning for the GOP!)

Nonetheless, the Facebots deemed it Hate Speech.
Since it’s all done by non-humans, they couldn’t read content to get context for the photo.

Personal Note: The Facebook “Community Standards” are an absolute joke!
A few years ago, when someone threatened my life on Facebook, and I reported them...with actual screenshots...I was told their comments did not violate the standards.
When I reported a page that made fun of kids dying of cancer, I was told that didn’t violate the Community Standards.

I click on a button to disagree with the decision.

I think the bots got caught in some kind of space-time loop, but throughout the day, they continued to get alerts, and I continued to disagree.
It was one photo but the messages made seem like there were many.
I was told my account could be deactivated.
Rather than continue the one-sided argument, I removed the year-old photo.

Then one morning, when I logged into Facebook, I had this message that my Author page had been “unpublished.”

I appealed this unexpected, unwarranted decision, and the reply said they would take it into consideration, but could take some time because they had fewer reviewers working at the time.
Then next morning, my page had been deleted due to multiple violations of the Community Standards.
And just prior to the release of my 5th novel.

Again, it was ONE photo.
And this time, there was no way to appeal their capricious, punitive decision.

I’d had that page for ten years.
I’d invested so much time and energy, and built a fun, active community of nearly two thousand…for ten years.
We had some wonderful conversations and discussions.
Then, it was gone.
They didn't give me any warning, or any way to notify everyone in my community about what happened to my page.
I was heartbroken!