Welcome to My Website

Thank you for visiting.
I'm honored that you’re here.

I’m the author of two novels.
In addition, I'm a blogger, and occasionally write short stories and “parables.” 

Big News!

I'm excited to announce that my new book is finished. This one is a bit different for me, part fantasy, part history...and more. It's based on the speculation…and my imagination…of a “what if” scenario. I like to think of it as a blend that pays tribute to The Wizard of Oz, It’s a Wonderful Life and A Christmas Carol. It's entitled A Time to Every Purpose and will be released in early November. I'll more details soon!

If you're interested, there's additional biographical and background information on the About Me page. Feel free to contact me if you have questions or comments.



I am a cancer survivor who's once again battling the disease. I wanted to provided some helpful information for others.

I am not one to tell others how to feel about their cancer, nor do I contend that having this disease is some kind of cosmic learning experience. However, I like to think my experiences and observations might benefit others.

I invite you to “Like” my Facebook Author's Page.

Don't make me beg (I will!), but if you do need convincing or additional motivation, I offer these TEN reasons.


Rainbow Resources


For me, this site is more than a place to sell books. (Though I do hope you'll consider buying and reading them.) I also want to provide resources on some of the controversial subjects covered in my writing, such as reparative therapy (“ex-gay” treatments), being gay and Christian, and the Bible and Homosexuality.

As a Christian who's also gay, it's important to me that this information is available to those who want to do additional reading/studying, and especially for those people of faith who are struggling with their sexual identity.

This material has been honed over many years of intensive (and continuing) research, personal experience and ongoing ministry.  If you know of someone who’s struggling, has concerns or would like more information on these topics, I hope you will direct them to this site.

I invite comments, discussion or opposing opinions. If you have a question for me, I’ll gladly respond.

NOTE: I'm still in the process of migrating all of the materials from the old site to this new one...so the links may not be active yet. Thanks for your patience.