Conversation Etiquette for my Facebook Page
I welcome everyone to participate.
I give my permission to comment on any post, share your perspective, offer insight or information, ask me questions, offer differing opinions, and even post items with the group.
I don’t want a list of rules for participating on my page, so I operate with TWO simple guidelines: be kind and and be civil when you post and when you respond.
We are not all the same; I value diversity, and I think we should respect one another.
I particularly want us to observe these basic principles in our discussions of volatile topics like politics, religion and social issues.
Please know that you are free to post a rebuttal, as long as you are kind and civil.
Tell me what you believe, and why you believe it. I promise to respect your right to your beliefs...even when we don’t agree.
Avoid name-calling, or shaming, or sweeping generalizations.
We can discuss the differences, as long as we are Kind and and Civil toward one another.
(Do you sense a recurring message?)
As a person of faith who self-identifies as a Christian, I’m considered a “progressive.”
I believe love is our highest calling and our primary motivation.
I advocate for those Jesus called “the least of these,” which includes the hungry, the poor, the homeless, widows and orphans, the oppressed...the forgotten.
I believe in equality and justice.
I’m a pacifist; I oppose the death penalty, I’m against war, and I favor strong, restrictive gun laws.
These are integral parts of my faith, and inform my opinions.
I know not everyone agrees, but I think it helps give an understand of what I post and why.
When we talk about religion/religious beliefs, here’s what I ask:
Don’t merely cut-and-paste Bible verses with no explanation, thinking that will somehow “prove” your point.
(I call those people Bible Ninjas, and lump them with trollers!)Avoid the assumption that you are the only person who’ve ever read the Bible, and that your interpretation is the only possible way to understand a topic.
I’m open to (civil, kind) discussions about matters of faith, beliefs, doctrine, practices, or creeds. But just know that posting verses and asserting they “clearly” support your beliefs won’t be the first time I’ve seen them, nor will they sway me.
If the Bible were as clear as some allege, we probably wouldn’t be having the discussion in the first place.
If the Bible were as clear as some allege, we wouldn’t have so many different churches, denominations, and factions…all claiming the Bible as their source.
P.S. For the record, YES...I have read the Bible. In fact, I’ve studied and taught it for more than 45 years. I’m trained in Greek, Hebrew and the principles of Hermeneutics.
(I share that to preclude the oft-posted accretion “You need to read the Bible” or the accusation “Haven’t you read the Bible?”)While you have the right to disagree and have permission to post what you believe, you do not have the right to impose those beliefs as the ONLY true way. I will not permit such arrogant presuppositions on my page.
You will not be allowed to tell others (including me) that they cannot be a “Christian” because they don’t interpret the Bible the same way as you, or because of your beliefs about their “sin.”
You won’t be permitted to judge others as “less than” a good Christian because they don’t agree with you.
You are not allowed to condemn others to hell because they are not like you.Let’s not argue, particularly in regards to the Bible and/or religious beliefs. I’ve found the impersonal, detached venue of social media is not conducive for such discussions, and rarely results in little more than angry exchanges.
I am not invested in who’s “right” and who’s “wrong” about points of doctrine, the one, true Church, or specific passages of Scripture.
I refuse to worry about one “sin” over another “sin.” In fact, I don’t see it as my job to worry other people’s “sin” at all.
And I’m not interested in having exchanges with those who do.
I am an informed and vocal voter.
I’ve been active in politics for many years, including serving in a Presidential campaign.
I’m a Democrat.
And I’m a gay man!
The Republican Party has an aggressive, defined Platform and agenda that targets LGBTQ people. It includes affirming harmful conversion therapy, nullifying my marriage, and seeking to legislate discrimination for businesses that don’t want to serve me. For those reasons, I’ve made the decision not to allow pro-GOP materials on my Facebook page.
You have a right to your beliefs, your opinions, and your political positions.
I encourage you to vote your convictions and your conscience. (I certainly do!)
But I won’t have MY page used to promulgate the dangerous positions held by a Party that sees LGBTQ people as predators, pedophiles, a threat to family, a customer who should be refused service, unworthy of job security, or housing, and sick individuals who need to be fixed or cured.
This is not about censorship.
Feel free to respectfully disagree with me about any issue in my threads, but do not promote your Party and your GOP candidates.
There are plenty of other pages where you will be applauded for such comments.
Not. On. Mine!
I think of my Facebook page as a community.
I like to think we can be dissimilar in our beliefs, and still get along.
But in the end, this community is not a democracy.
It’s MY page, and I will protect it.
Violations of these basic guidelines will bring a kind and civil warning.
If that’s not heeded, I’ll usually suggest this might not be the page for you.
”Move along!”
Your post might be hidden from public view, or deleted.
If you refuse to abide by the guidelines on MY page, you could be banned from our community.