While moving boxes around in our garage, I came across a tub of paperback books from previous Book Signings.
Only two of my books are currently available in paperback, and I have several, if you're interested.
GOOD NEWS: I can get them to you, via snail mail, for less than buying through Amazon & the publisher.
Media Interview Request
If you would like to schedule me for an interview (podcast, print, online publication, or other media), please email me, and I’ll get back with you promptly.
Please provide as much information as possible, and we can discuss your goals for the interview.
To facilitate the process, I’ve prepared this media kit with useful information. Click on the image.
If you’re interested, here’s some of my previous media coverage.
Request for Speaker
I’ve been speaking in front of people for 40+ years–-small groups, large audiences, church congregations, nonprofit organizations, and media appearances. I can do a single message, a longer workshop, keynote address, small group facilitator, moderator or participant on a panel, MC an event.
If you would like to discuss having me at your event, please send me an email, providing as much information as possible. I’ll gladly work with you to determine if my message is a good fit.